Trudeau regime puts Canadian detective on trial for investigating link between infant deaths and mRNA vaccines
By Christopher Brunet, The Dosier | FULL STORY
I have written nearly 200 articles on Substack, but not a single one is about Covid — this isn’t my wheelhouse! That being said, I am unvaccinated, and I hold most of the opinions that you imagine an unvaccinated person would.
In this article, I am not going to do a deep dive into the science of whether mRNA “vaccines” are safe for pregnant women/infants, but suffice it to say: if I had a pregnant wife, and you tried to forcibly inject her with mRNA, I would fight you to the death.
While Covid isn't typically my area of focus, I felt a duty to write this story because it takes place in my hometown of Ottawa, so I reached out to The Dossier because I know that they cover Covid extensively. I am willing to bet that 99% of American readers have not heard of this Canadian case, and it deserves a wider audience.
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The Canadian media is trash — instead, the most comprehensive coverage of this story has come from an independent journalist, Donald Best, who has written 11 articles about it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Best is a former Detective Sergeant with the Toronto Police who has spent his life investigating organized crime.
He's attended all of Helen Gru’s court hearings in person, and shared his notes with me, which I have attempted to summarize and disseminate in a digestible, self-contained format, although in the name of brevity I had to cut many good points he made.
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